About Floodplain Management
The purpose of floodplain management is to reduce flood damage. Floodplain management is the operation of community programs for preventative and corrective measures. These measures take a variety of forms and generally include zoning, subdivision or building requirements, and special-purpose floodplain ordinances.
Communities agree to adopt and enforce floodplain management ordinances to make flood insurance available to home and business owners. To date, 55 counties and 214 communities in West Virginia have voluntarily adopted and are enforcing local floodplain management ordinances that provide flood loss reduction building standards for new and existing development.
If you would like to review the Tyler County Floodplain Ordinance, you can click the button below to download a PDF copy. If you have questions after reviewing the ordinance, please contact the Floodplain Manager, Tom Cooper.
Floodplain Permit
In accordance with the Tyler County Floodplain Ordinance, a permit is required before building any structure or dwelling in the county. If the structure or dwelling is out of the 100 year floodplain the permit and the $25 fee are all that’s required. If the proposed structure or dwelling is in the floodplain the construction has to be done in accordance with the ordinance and there is an additional fee of one percent of the total cost of the project.
The floodplain manager will work with the owners and builders to help keep them in compliance and out of harms way.
PLEASE, get with us BEFORE you build!
Floodplain Map Tool
West Virginia has a website that provides access to view the current floodplain maps for the state. This is NOT the official instrument of final flood hazard determination. Remember: If in doubt, it's not out.
** If you would like to use the expert version of this tool, you will need a desktop computer with the page in full screen. The reason is because when the map loads, you should see a white box that must be dismissed on the Left side of the map, but on smaller screens this box is inaccessible.
More Floodplain Information
More information about floodplain management, flood insurance, floodplain regulations etc., please visit the West Virginia Floodplain Management page at the West Virginia Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management website at the following link: