The Tyler County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is a local county government organization staffed by the Emergency Manager and funded primarily by the Tyler County Commission and the Department of Homeland Security. OEM is very active throughout the region sharing knowledge, training and exercising with other OEM groups, networking with professionals in related fields and preparing for emergency events to ensure the highest level of readiness for the citizens of Tyler County.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Tyler County Office of Emergency Management is to develop and maintain emergency plans and coordinate the use of County, State and Federal resources to prepare, respond, recover and mitigate the effects of natural and man-made disasters on the citizens of Tyler County.

The emergency management process has 4 phases as illustrated here. These are Prevention/Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery.
Goals and Objectives
The Tyler County OEM has goals and objectives for each phase of emergency management. A majority of these are focused on the Prevention/Mitigation and Preparedness phases since proper planning is the foundation for an effective Response and Recovery.
Prevention/ Mitigation
- Improve Public Education and Awareness
- Flood Hazard Vulnerability Assessment
- Disaster Vulnerability Assessment
- Improved Infrastructure
- Enhance mitigation activities in Tyler County
- Provide easy access of preparedness, planning, and emergency information to the citizens of Tyler County
- Enhance communications with the citizens, local media, community associations and businesses
- Provide training for disaster staffing
- Update and maintain an effective Emergency Operations Response Plan
- Maintain an integrated countywide emergency communications system
- Maintain a fully equipped Emergency Operations Center and Mobile Command Center
- Train and coordinate the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
- Train and coordinate the Search and Rescue Team
- Ensure compliance with NIMS (National Incident Management System)
- Maintain CodeRED Public Alert System
- Provide Project Lifesaver tracking bracelets to individuals prone to wandering away
- Early Warning Systems
- Saving Lives
- Respond to missing person calls throughout the region
- Coordinate Search and Rescue Efforts
- Notify Residents of Emergency Situations
- Implement the Appropriate Emergency Operations Plan(s)
- Provide Robust On-Site Communications and Coordination Using our Mobile Command Center
- Provide Critical Equipment such as Generators, Light Plants, Drones and more
- Coordination Between Responding Agencies, Volunteers and Others Helping With Response
- Improving Lives
- Restoring Telecommunications
- Recovery of Other Services
Our Team
Tyler County OEM has followed the FEMA Whole Community approach to emergency management. This team has been developed to include volunteers, government and non-profit agencies, industry and businesses. Tyler OEM is connected to nearly every county in WV through our friendship with all the other emergency management agencies.
State & Federal Agencies
Tyler OEM works closely with state and federal government agencies such as FEMA, WV Dept. of Homeland Security, Senator Manchin's Office, WV State Administrative Agency, National Weather Service, WV Department of Corrections, WV DOH, WV DEP, EPA. Local government partners include Wetzel/Tyler Health Department, Sistersville Hospital and Tyler County Schools.
Non-Governmental Partners
Non-governmental partners include the Family Resource Network, Volunteer WV, Journey Hospice, Adam’s House, faith based and ministerial organizations, Salvation Army, Appalachian Outreach, Wood County Emergency Communications, WV VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster), and WV Northern Community College.
Business Partners
Business partners include AA Supply LLC, Ace Hardware, Boggs Pizza, Myers Funeral Home, REPS Inc., Tyler Star News, Wells Inn/The Innformer, Witschey's and Galaxy Supermarkets. Tyler County OEM also works closely with the well industry and the local chemical industry.
Volunteers are a big part of our organization. These people are dedicated citizens with a wide variety of skill sets who come together to work with Tyler County OEM to help ensure the success of this organization. Through regular meetings, trainings and practice drills volunteers learn valuable skills that are critical during disaster events and search and rescue emergencies.
Get Involved
If you, your business or your organization would like to volunteer your time or donate resources, please contact us. One great way to become involved is to join us at the monthly LEPC meeting where you can meet other local volunteers and learn more.