
August 25, 2017

Search Management

Team, As you know we’ve talked about working on our search management skills. Several of you have expressed an interest in this type of training. Here is what I propose to you. Let’s get together Thursday evening, August 31st. and simply go over the basic forms that are needed to […]
August 24, 2017

Sept 2017 OEM Events

Team, September is going to be a month of fun opportunities for our volunteers! PLEASE mark your calendar. Monday Sept 4 – We’ve been asked to be part of the 69th Paden City Labor Day Parade. We will include some of our equipment in the parade. We would like to […]
August 8, 2017

August Team Training

Our monthly field training will be this Saturday, August 12th at 10:00 AM for all field team members including ground and support teams, equestrian and canine handlers. We will be targeting both the new and the experienced members. This will start a series of sessions building up to a NASAR […]
August 1, 2017

Radiation Training

Team, I’ve been asked to. Invite you to the following training. If you are interested please reply to Chief Durham. We are hosting the class listed below. There are 24 seats available, and would love to have a cross section from throughout our community. Please respond to me with the […]
July 27, 2017

Boater Safety Course

Folks, I’ve been in touch with the WV Department of Natural Resources about having a Boater Safety Course this fall. The class last around 7 hours. If you would be interested in participating please let me know. Please let me know if you would prefer having it on a weekday […]
July 24, 2017

August Field Team Training

Team, Our monthly field training will resume August 12th at 10:00 AM for all field team members including ground and support teams, equestrian and canine handlers. We will be targeting both the new and the experienced members. This will start a series of sessions building up to a NASAR FUNSAR […]
July 18, 2017

Project Lifesaver Certification

Folks, Many of you have asked about a Project Lifesaver class. Below is a link and information about taking the classroom part of the training online. You can take this class and then we can give you the hands on training and the field test and you will be certified. […]
July 12, 2017

Canine Training Opportunity

I want to let you know of a canine training opportunity coming up. Please let me know if you are interested. Here is a link to the sight. http://www.caesarinc.org/15-Seminar/default.html 2017 SAR Kamp Registration Date: August 3 – 5, 2017 Location: Butler County Community College Grounds Water Certification at Lake Arthur, […]
July 11, 2017

July Training Rescheduled

Let’s try this again! We are rescheduling the July training to this SUNDAY afternoon, July 16th, at 1:00pm. We will start the training at our storage facility in Paden City and work our way into the Paden City Park. We plan to setup and train on the new mobile command […]
July 7, 2017

July Training CANCELLED!!

I’m sorry to say we have to cancel the July 8th training. A storm just passed through the area and has disrupted power to 30-40% of the customers in Tyler and the surrounding counties. The storm has also created a problem that prevents us from using the planned location. If […]
July 3, 2017


OOPS! I’m very sorry, our training day is this SATURDAY July 8th. Our July OEM volunteer training will be this SATURDAY, July 8th starting at 10:00 am at the Momentive Employee Park. We plan to setup and train on the new mobile command trailer. We also plan to re-certify on […]
July 3, 2017

July 2017 SAR Training

Team, Our July OEM volunteer training will be this Thursday, July 8Th starting at 10:00 am at the Momentive Employee Park. We plan to setup and train on the new mobile command trailer. We also plan to re-certify on Project Lifesaver (PL) and conduct some mock PL, canine and foot […]