
April 15, 2012

Training Update!

We have a new location for the Saturday, April 21st training!!! We will be training at the Momentive Employee Park. The park is located just south of the Momentive Plant on Rt 2. To get there; From the north, come down Rt 2 through Sistersville and Friendly. Below Friendly you […]
April 2, 2012

Meeting Reminder!

The April OEM/CERT/SAR meeting will be held April 12 instead of the first Thursday! Same place; OEM office. Same time; 7PM. Hope to see you there. tjc
March 27, 2012

Amateur Radio Licensing

Amateur Radio Licensing Wood County Emergency Communications Inc. www.wc8ec.com will be holding a one day Amateur Radio Technician Class Radio class. The class will be held April 7, 2012, starting at 9:00am Location of the class and examination will be at the Hillcrest Baptist Church about a mile East of Spencer, […]
March 22, 2012

Register for WV State SAR Exercise

Please let me know right away if you would like to attend the following event! tjc WVDHSEM and the WV SARCO will be conducting the annual search and rescue exercise “Operation Apocalypse 2012” at the Boy Scout Buckskin Reservation at Dilley’s Mill, WV on May 11-13, 2012. This years’ event […]
March 13, 2012

Modular Emergency Response Transportation Training

This 16-hour training program is designed to take the complex topic of a radiological accident response and break it down into 16 easily understood modules and hands-on practical exercises. Students will be presented with the training to simplify the topic while developing a comprehensive understanding of radioactive material, radiological survey […]
March 13, 2012

Children Found and are OK

The missing children from Mason County have been found and they are ok. Thanks go out to everyone who responded. tjc
March 13, 2012

Two Missing Children

I just received a request for search teams to help search for 2 missing boys in Mason County. They are 9 and 12 years old and have been missing since last night. If you are available to help, please respond by email! I will be in meetings all day today. […]
March 3, 2012

Digital Map Training

This coming Saturday, March 10th we will be training on Terrain Navigator Pro. The training will start at 10am at our office in the Senior Center and last 3 hours. This is the mapping software we use for search and rescue as well as nearly any other event that we […]
March 3, 2012

Training Went Well

The Digital Damage Assessment training went very well today. We had 24 participants from 9 counties! I think we all learned something new. We will go in and tweak the new software to make it do exactly what the group wants it to do. tjc
February 27, 2012

“Digital Damage Assessment” Training

We will be doing the “Digital Damage Assessment” training this Saturday, March 3rd at our office in Middlebourne. We will start at 10am. Don Williams will be the instructor. He will go over basic damage assessment and then introduce the new iPads with our custom software. We will then take […]
February 27, 2012

March OEM/SAR/CERT Meeting

Our regular monthly OEM/SAR/CERT meeting is this Thursday, March 1st at 7pm in the Middlebourne OEM office. Snacks will be provided. tjc
February 24, 2012

CERT Training Coming Soon

Williamstown, W.Va. ~ The Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is holding a four-night training class at the First Methodist Church in Williamstown. The CERT Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as […]