Local Emergency Planning Committee
Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC) are quasi-governmental bodies, generally at the county or municipal level, in the United States. They do not function in actual emergency situations, but attempt to identify and catalogue potential hazards, identify available resources, mitigate hazards when feasible, and write emergency plans. When an actual emergency occurs, the materials are made available to the Incident Commander. According to the National Response Plan (NRP) the initial response to an emergency incident or disaster is by local officials. The role of the LEPC is to anticipate and plan the initial response for foreseeable disasters in their jurisdiction.
How It Works
The Tyler County LEPC is a place where the whole community can come together to build and test their plans. Over the years we've noticed that some people and organizations come to the meeting with a resource need while others bring resources that they want to share. There are connections made at nearly every meeting where the resources are matched to the needs.
Who Participates
The Local Emergency Planning Committee is composed of representatives of various Police, Fire, EMS, Hospitals, Public Health, Private Industry, Military, Coast Guard, RACES Radio, Colleges, Schools, Ambulance Services, Offices of Emergency Management, and the Public.
How To Get Involved
Tyler County has an active LEPC that meets monthly at the Middlebourne Senior Center. The meetings are usually at 9am on the first Thursday of each month. Watch the website for changes. The public is welcome and encouraged to participate!