Sept 2017 OEM Events
August 24, 2017SAR Management Training
August 28, 2017Team,
As you know we’ve talked about working on our search management skills. Several of you have expressed an interest in this type of training. Here is what I propose to you.
Let’s get together Thursday evening, August 31st. and simply go over the basic forms that are needed to support a search (or any other emergency response since the forms are the same). Then we will use these forms in the exercise on Sept 10th. We will design this training to follow the NASAR recommended search management skills laid out in the “Managing the Lost Person Incident” (MLPI) class. Then this winter we will sponsor the formal NASAR MLPI training and become certified. For now we will go over the basics. You do not have to have any previous SAR training to get started in this.
If you have had any type of SAR training in the past but are not able to go out in the field you should seriously consider being part of this training. If you have had any kind of incident management training such as fire, health and medical, law enforcement, military, etc. you should consider being part of this. This is a very interesting and rewarding challenge.
Please reply back and let me know if you are interested.
Thank you ,
Tom Cooper