Heartland K-9’s Cadaver School
July 18, 2011SAR Training Moved to OEM Office
July 22, 2011This Saturday’s search and rescue training is a go! We’ll start at 10am (7/23/11) at Camp Copperhead. The weather is predicted to be very hot. We will be working indoors and out of the sun, so shorts and sneakers are fine for this one. BUT PLEASE HAVE ALL YOUR GEAR AND SEARCH CLOTHES IN YOUR CAR JUST IN CASE WE GET A CALL!!! It’s happened in the past.
We’re starting a new style of training. We are going to go over some newly developed tasks. This is the system that our military uses. It breaks training down into easy to understand short segments. This allows everyone the opportunity to gradually work their way into complex tasks. You will receive credit for each task you complete. WV Northern Community College will give certificates as well as adult continuing ed credits for each task. This way you will have something to show for every task you complete. We plan to complete 2 tasks this weekend. One is “What to do if you are the first person to arrive at a search” and the other is “How to work with a field team”. These are things that everyone can use. We may go over a couple of others too.
We’re also changing the menu! I think everyone will enjoy it.
I hope to see you there.