FUNSAR Training
September 23, 2012OEM/CERT/SAR October Meeting
October 3, 2012Here is a unique opportunity for the team!
Gilmer County has asked us to help with an exercise. They need evaluators and folks to do moulage.
Carla McBee, the master of moulage, has agreed to do a moulage class in Gilmer County that will be open to all volunteers who are interested. The training will start at 11am on October 16th at their fire hall. Directly after the training the group will prepare the victims for the large exercise. You may also choose to be a victim in the exercise.
We are asking those of you who have already trained in moulage to participate if you can.
We will provide transportation from Middlebourne for 5 volunteers.
If you are interested and need more information click here.