March Field Team Training
March 8, 2018June Training Summery
May 25, 2018April 29th – The canine handlers plan to get together at the Paden City warehouse around 8am to do some training.
May 3rd– The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) meeting is at 9am in the Middlebourne Senior Center.
May 6th – The canine handlers plan to get together at the Paden City warehouse around 9am to do some training.
May 12th– A special 8 hour NASAR search management training will be held at 8am for those of you who may be managing a lost person event. “Search & Rescue Initial Actions (SARIA)” will be instructed by B.E.R.T.S. You must let me know ASAP if you plan to attend this special training so that we can cover the $95 tuition (no charge to you).
May 19th & 20th – This two day Wilderness First Aid training is available to all responders. The location has not been announced yet. If there is enough interest in this we will offer the additional two days of training that makes this the Advanced Wilderness Training. There is a tuition that we can cover if you let me know right away.
Thanks Tom Cooper 304-771-3674