NASAR Now Requires Recertification
November 8, 2015Help Needed
November 18, 2015Folks,
The 2015 OEM Christmas party will be Thursday, December 10th downstairs at the Senior Center in Middlebourne. We will eat at 6:00 pm. Feel free to come early.
As in the past, we will have a covered dish dinner and then a Yankee gift exchange.
If you will send me an email with what dish you plan to bring, I will add a post to the blog showing the list as it grows. Go to and click on Updates! for the menu.
We will also have a box available for those who wish to donate to the Adam’s House food pantry. They are always in need of peanut butter, mac and cheese and family toiletries.
If you received this email you are invited! Feel free to bring a friend!
Call or email me with any questions or suggestions.?
DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE. Instead, please email me direct at tjcooper
Hope to see you there!